If the official Microsoft courses left you wanting more, then Workshop MCM1710: More Configuration Manager is the training you need!
Go beyond the official courses
Going beyond the basic, cookie-cutter implementation, expanding on topics only hinted at in the official courses, and covering concepts the official training omits entirely, this workshop will help you round-out your understanding of System Center Configuration Manager. Students who successfully complete the workshop will find themselves with new solutions to long-standing problems and a broadened view of what is possible with SCCM.
Units include:
- AD Integration in Complex Environments
- Supporting Clients Outside your Forest
- Windows PowerShell for Configuration Manager
- High Availability & Fault Tolerance for ConfigMgr Roles
- Preparing Software for Deployment by Using External Tools
- Creating Multi-Stage Deployments
- Implementing System Center Updates Publisher
- Managing Obsolete Content
Over 16 hours of hands-on labs
This 3-day workshop is designed for Configuration Manager administrators and engineers who have already completed Microsoft Official Courses 20696 and 10748 (or who have equivalent experience) and want more training. The workshop format is light in lecture and long on labs. The format is perfect for experienced administrators and engineers who prefer to learn by performing hands-on tasks and who require little direction. (The workshop is instructor-led, so students will have assistance as required.)
Flexible delivery options
This workshop is available for either on-site or online delivery. (We will provide remote virtual-machine hosts for each student, so on-site deliveries require a classroom with computers that have HTTP or RDP access to the Internet.) Each student will receive a printed student handbook/lab manual (approximately 256 pages). Manuals are custom printed for each class and updated for each delivery, ensuring that students have the latest version.
We can deliver this workshop as a stand-alone course or in combination with either/both of the Microsoft titles, giving you 3-, 5-, 7-, and 10-day training package options.
Can't have your team members away from their SCCM duties for three days? We have a "90-minutes a day" format that minimizes the time your people are in class and lets them run their labs remotely, after work. (Lab support is available through email, real-time chat, and, if needed, phone.)
Customizable for your needs
We can even tailor the course to your specific needs by dropping or modifying existing units and/or adding other topics upon request.
Note for MS Learning Partners: More Configuration Manager is not MOC or community courseware. However, the content was carefully planned to ensure no overlap with MS titles. If your customers are looking for advanced SCCM training, contact us to discuss this course.
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